ACE Wins Project of the Year Award; INTREN Played Integral Role
PUBLISHED December 07, 2020
CATEGORY Recognition Sustainability Transmission
Tags: ACE, Atlantic City Electric, Chuck Lyles, PMINJ, Salem to Woodstown Rebuild Project
We are thrilled to announce that our utility partner, Atlantic City Electric (ACE), won the PMINJ Project of the Year award for the Salem to Woodstown Rebuild Project. INTREN was an integral part of this successful, high-risk evolution project which was completed on time. Here is the scope of work that our East Coast transmission team, led by General Foreman Chuck Lyles, accomplished:
- Rebuilt 11 miles of 69kV transmission line from Salem, NJ to Woodstown, NJ.
- Replaced 8 miles of distribution underbuild and installed OPGW and ADSS.
- 234 steel structures with direct embedment, socketed and flanged vibratory caisson foundations
- Installed 2 SEECO switches.
- Had no environmental infractions and minimized impact by utilizing more than 7,000 composite mats and non-destructive excavating.
- Comprehensive aerial inspection completed
Congratulations to all on this tremendous accomplishment!
PUBLISHED December 07, 2020
CATEGORY Recognition Sustainability Transmission
TAGGED ACE Atlantic City Electric Chuck Lyles PMINJ Salem to Woodstown Rebuild Project