Avoid hidden dangers and protect crews with innovations in dielectric testing
At INTREN, safety is our cornerstone. We provide thorough testing of electrical protective equipment to ensure it meets our stringent safety standards and can withstand high voltage electrical currents without compromising the safety of the workers who depend on them.
Adhering to guidelines set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), we offer complete dielectric testing that verifies the electrical insulating strength of various tools used in electrical and electronic equipment. This ensures the safety of users and prevents electrical shock and fires by detecting any weaknesses or faults in the insulation of these tools.
INTREN’s dielectric strength testing is a critical process for ensuring the safety, compliance, and reliability of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in electrical construction work. Not only does it provide comprehensive protection for workers while maintaining industry compliance standards, but it also supports effective maintenance and operational decisions.
INTREN/ETC has been accredited by the North American Independent Laboratories (NAIL) for Protective Equipment Testing since February of 2022. Download certificate (PDF).